Kenyans and Holidays

I saw an advertisement for an 1/8th acre plot in vipingo to build a “holiday home” and honestly .., let’s speak on the ridiculousness of it.

Firstly, it is costly to run a holiday home and at the rate people are building them, demand will exceed supply. So what happens when the house becomes idle other than deteriorate?

Secondly, when we have cement everywhere, what do you expect to happen other than flooding? Especially when large swatches of land are cut down to micro properties? We are seeing it happen now and to act ignorant to this inevitability is stupidity.

Thirdly, if you are leaving your house – to go to a supposed holiday home – to cook for yourself, to wash the house and do laundry – are you really on holiday? You are not. Sometimes I think it’s a lack of imagination on what rest should be.

Capitalism has really lied to us. Let us open our eyes.

Further reading here.

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